Foster® First Defense? 4080 Disinfectant works on all hard non-porous surfaces and is effective against COVID-19, norovirus, and the influenza virus. DIRECTIONS FOR DISINFECTION, FUNGICIDAL, VIRUCIDAL, MOLD & MILDEW CONTROL: Apply undiluted First Defense? 4080 to hard, non-porous surfaces, thoroughly wetting the surfaces with a cloth, mop, sponge, sprayer, or by immersion. Treated surfaces must remain wet for a minimum of 10 minutes. For Influenza Virus Type A and Human Coronavirus, treated surfaces must remain wet for 1 minute. Wipe dry with a clean cloth, sponge, or mop - or allow surfaces to air dry. For heavily spoiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is required. For sprayer applications, use a coarse spray device. Protective eyewear is recommended when using a spray device. Spray 6-8 inches from surface and rub with a brush, sponge, or cloth. Avoid breathing spray. Using potable water, thoroughly rinse all surfaces that come in contact with food such as countertops, appliances, tables, and stovetops. Do not use on utensils, glassware, or dishes. FIRST AID MEASURES IF IN EYES: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 20 minutes retracting eyelids often. Tilt the head to prevent chemical from transferring to the uncontaminated eye. Get immediate medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Wash with soap and water. IF INHALED: Remove individual to fresh air after an airborne exposure if any symptoms develop, as a precautionary measure. IF SWALLOWED: Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if symptoms develop. Provide medical care provider with a 4080 safety data sheet. Induced vomiting may lead to aspiration of the material into the lungs potentially causing chemical pneumonitis that may be fatal. Effective against the following viruses: *Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), *Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), *Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1, *Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2, *HIV-1 (AIDS virus), *Human Coronavirus, *Influenza Virus Type A/ Brazil Influenza, *Influenza Virus Type A/ Hong Kong Influenza, *2013 Influenza A Virus (H7N9), *Norwalk Virus (Norovirus), *Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), *Rotavirus, *SARS Associated Coronavirus (SARS), *Vaccinia (Pox Virus) - This product has demonstrated effectiveness against influenza A virus and is expected to inactivate all influenza A viruses including Pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus.