Remove fine scratches and polish edges from plastic surfaces with this conveniently packaged kit. Each kit contains a 4" diameter sewn cloth buffing wheel and a 2oz stick of buffing compound. Use with Craftics Arbor Adapter (not included). Instructions on back of card. Use Arbor Adapter - P/N 1106053.
CRAFTICS has been in business for almost 40 years and has pioneered many of the products it sells. CRAFTICS is well known for its experience and expertise in acrylic cleaning, fabrication and tools for plastic.
Disclaimer: Interstate Plastics makes no representations about any of its products that are modified in any way after they leave its possession, nor do its representations apply when any of its products are improperly used or stored.
Each customer of Interstate Plastics bears full responsibility for making its own determination as to the suitability of each material, product, recommendation or advice provided by Interstate Plastics. Each customer of Interstate Plastics must identify and perform all tests and analyses necessary to assure that its finished parts incorporating materials from Interstate Plastics will be safe and suitable for use under end-use conditions.
This buffing kit will get rid of fine scratches, common when working with acrylic. This high quality kit contains only high quality CRAFTICS parts that will leave your acrylic smooth and polished.
Does what it says, gets light scratches out of Acrylic. Obviously not on anything deep. Free shipping was awesome.
Buffs well. We use it to keep our acrylic furniture looking like new.
I bought this kit to buff the sides of an acrylic sheet I ordered. this stuff takes some elbow grease but the finished product looks great. no wonder they call it a "buffing kit" :)
Work fine on fine scratches. Even heavy scratches come out with a Novus 3 or similar product.
This stuff works good but you have to realy sit there and work at it. I'd use it again when i had time.