100 results displayed - Please filter results using the menu above or the search bar. |
| Description | |
| Molded spur gears made from acetal. Meets AGMA standards and is food contact safe.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![SPUR GEAR - MOLDED | ACETAL](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/spurgearmoldedacetal_1.jpg) |
| Oil-filled nylon spur gears offer longer part life, less operating noise, and lighter weight than me
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![SPUR GEAR - MACHINED | OIL FILLED NYLON](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/spurgearmachinedoilfillednylon_1.jpg) |
| Oil-filled nylon gear racks have longer life and decreased operating noise over standard gear racks.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![GEAR RACK - OIL FILLED NYLON | 14 1/2 DEG. PA - 20 DP - 3/8" WIDTH - 3/8" THK](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/pmc21.jpg) |
| Oil-filled nylon gear racks have longer life and decreased operating noise over standard gear racks.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![GEAR RACK - OIL FILLED NYLON | 20 DEG. PA - 16 DP - 1/2" WIDTH - 5/16" THK](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/pmc21.jpg) |
| Delrin plastic and delrin black (delrin sheet) bridge the gap between metals and plastic.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Delrin<sup>®</sup> Plastic Sheet | Black](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blackdelrinplate_1.jpg) |
| 2oz bottles of Novus 1, 2, and 3 as well as a microfiber towel.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![NOVUS SCRATCH REMOVAL STARTER KIT](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/novusscratchremovalstarterkit_1.jpg) |
| Nylon products are tough, with high strength, dimensional stability, & wear resistance. | ![Black Cast Nylon Sheet | Unfilled Nylon Sheet Type 6](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blackcastnylonsheetunfillednylonsheettype6_1.jpg) |
| Nylon MD has a low coefficient of friction, good wear resistance, toughness, & light weight. | ![Nylon Oil-Filled Discs | Cast Nylon MD Round Stock](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonoilfilleddiscscastnylonmdroundstock_1.jpg) |
| Black Nylon Plastic Material Type Nylon 6 6 Sheet. Extrusion Grade Nylon 66 Sheet. | ![Black Extruded Nylon Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blackextrudednylon.jpg) |
| Gray tubular nylon bars available for use in various applications.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Tube | Gray MD Tubular Nylon Bars](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylongraymdnylontube_1.jpg) |
| Nylon MD has a low coefficient of friction, good wear resistance, toughness, & light weight. | ![Gray MD Nylon Sheet | Cast Nylon 6 MD](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/graymdnylonsheetcastnylon6md_1.jpg) |
| Nylon stock, nylon plate, and nylon products are tough, dimensionally stable & wear resistant.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon | Natural Cast Nylon Stock Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonnaturalcastnylonstocksheet_1.jpg) |
| Nylon tubes and nylon bar have a good combination of toughness and wear resistance.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Tubes | Natural Cast Tubular Bar](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonnaturalcasttubularbar_1.jpg) |
| Tough, dimensionally stable extruded nylon bushing stock with good wear resistance and versatility. | ![Nylon 66 Tube | Bushing Stock](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylon66tubebushingstock_1.jpg) |
| Nylon Plastic Material Type Nylon 6 6 Sheet. Extrusion Grade Nylon 66 Sheet.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Plastic Material | Nylon 6 6 Extruded Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonplasticmaterialnylon66extrudedsheet_1.jpg) |
| Nylon 612 features lower moisture absorption rates than nylon 66 & has better dimensional stability. | ![Natural Nylon Extruded Sheet 6/12](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/naturalnylonextrudedsheet612_1.jpg) |
| Flame, Smoke, Toxicity (FST) Retardant nylon for aircraft interior applications | ![Natural Nylatron 66 SA FST Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/naturalnylatron66safstsheet_1.jpg) |
| Hydlar Z nylon PA66 rod is an abrasion resistant plastic with great wear properties. | ![Hydlar Z Nylon Rod | Polyamide 66 Abrasion Resistant Plastic](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/hydlarznylonrodpolyamide66abrasionresistantplastic_1.webp) |
| Hydlar Z nylon PA66 sheets are abrasion resistant plastic sheets with great wear properties. | ![Hydlar Z Plastic Nylon Sheet | Polyamide 66 Abrasion Resistant Plastic](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/hydlarzplasticnylonsheetpolyamide66abrasionresistantplastic_1.jpg) |
| Nylatron NSM nylon stands up to demanding applications, perfect when larger size parts are required.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Nylatron NSM | Nylon Cast Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodnylatroncastnsm_1.jpg) |
| Nylatron NSM is considered better than cast nylon rod and nylon rod stock for large part sizes.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Nylatron<sup>®</sup> Nylon NSM Cast Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylatronsupregsupnylonnsmcastsheet_1.jpg) |
| Nylatron MC901 blue nylon should be considered for wheels, gears, and custom parts. | ![Nylatron MC901 Blue Nylon | Cast Nylon Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylatronmc901bluenyloncastnylonrod_1.webp) |
| Nylatron MC901 blue nylon should be considered for wheels, gears, and custom parts. | ![Nylatron MC901 Blue Nylon | Cast Nylon Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylatronmc901bluenyloncastnylonsheet_1.jpg) |
| Nylon MD has a low coefficient of friction, good wear resistance, toughness, & light weight. | ![Blue MDX Oil Filled Nylon Cast Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/bluenylonmdx.jpg) |
| Cast nylon XHA is heat stabilized for use in higher temperature applications than standard nylon. | ![Cast Nylon XHA | Blue Nylon Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/castnylonxhabluenylonsheet_1.jpg) |
| Cast nylon XHA is better suited for higher temperature applications than unmodified cast nylon. | ![Cast Nylon XHA | Blue Nylon Tube](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/castnylonxhabluenylontube_1.jpg) |
| "C" Grade Natural Canvas Phenolic Sheet
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Phenolic Sheet | Natural Canvas](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/naturalcanvasphenolicsheet_1.jpg) |
| Natural LE Phenolic Sheet.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Phenolic Sheet | Natural LE](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/naturallephenolicsheet_1.jpg) |
| Offers the elasticity of rubber combined with the toughness and durability of metal. | ![Polyurethane Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/polyurethanesheet_1.jpg) |
| PTFE rod (polytetrafluoroethylene) for low friction applications. Compare to Teflon sheet and rod.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![PTFE Rod | Virgin Polytetrafluoroethylene](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/ptferodvirginpolytetrafluoroethylene_1.webp) |
| Virgin grade black UHMW rod stock has good wear, chemical, & impact resistances. | ![UHMW Black Rod | Virgin UHMW Polyethylene](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwblackrodvirginuhmwpolyethylene_1.webp) |
| Black uhmw sheet, virgin grade, for general purpose use. | ![Black UHMW Sheet | Virgin Black UHMW](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blackuhmwsheetvirginblackuhmw_1.jpg) |
| Low friction virgin UHMW resists chemicals and impacts and extends part life. | ![UHMW Sheet | Green Virgin](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwsheetgreenvirgin_1.jpg) |
| IPX 2000 is an advanced, engineered polyethylene that has greater benefits than standard UHMW.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![UHMW IPX 2000<sup>®</sup> Sheet | Advanced Wear Technology](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwipx2000supregsupsheetadvancedweartechnology_1.jpg) |
| Virgin UHMW is a relatively low cost abrasion, impact, and chemically resistant material. | ![Orange UHMW Virgin Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/orangeuhmw.jpg) |
| Virgin UHMW is a relatively low cost abrasion, impact, and chemically resistant material.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![UHMW Rod | Natural Virgin](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwrodnaturalvirgin_1.webp) |
| Virgin UHMW is a relatively low cost abrasion, impact, and chemically resistant material.
![](/images/3stars.jpg) | ![UHMW Sheet | Natural Virgin](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwsheetnaturalvirgin_1.jpg) |
| Virgin grade red UHMW rod stock has good wear, chemical, & impact resistances. | ![Red UHMW Virgin Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/reduhmwvirginrod_1.webp) |
| Virgin UHMW is a relatively low cost abrasion, impact, and chemically resistant material. | ![Blue UHMW Virgin Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blueuhmwvirginrod_1.webp) |
| Low friction virgin UHMW resists chemicals and impacts and extends part life. | ![UHMW Sheet | Blue Virgin](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwsheetbluevirgin_1.jpg) |
| Virgin blue colored UHMW rods safe for use in food contact applications. | ![UHMW Rod | Blue Colored UHMW Rods (FDA Compliant)](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwrodbluecoloreduhmwrodsfdacompliant_1.jpg) |
| Virgin UHMW is a relatively low cost abrasion, impact, and chemically resistant material. | ![Yellow UHMW Virgin Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/yellowuhmwrod.jpg) |
| Low friction virgin UHMW resists chemicals and impacts and extends part life. | ![UHMW Sheet | Yellow Virgin](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/uhmwsheetyellowvirgin_1.jpg) |
| ABS plastic is an easily machined, low cost, rigid thermoplastic plastic with high impact strength.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![ABS Rod | Black Machine Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/absrodblackmachinegrade_1.webp) |
| ABS plastic is an easily machined, low cost, rigid thermoplastic plastic with high impact strength.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![ABS Sheet | Black Extruded](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/abssheetblackextruded_1.jpg) |
| ABS welding rod is sold by the pound. Ships as a coil. | ![Black ABS Welding Rod - Coiled](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/absweldingrodblackcoil.jpg) |
| ABS welding rod is sold by the pound, shipped in 4' straight lengths.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![ABS Welding Rod | Black](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/absweldingrodblack_1.jpg) |
| ABS plastic is an easily machined, low cost, rigid thermoplastic plastic with high impact strength.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![ABS Sheet | Black Machine Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/abssheetblackmachinegrade_1.jpg) |
| ABS plastic is an easily machined, low cost, rigid thermoplastic plastic with high impact strength.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![ABS Rod | Natural Machine Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/absrodnaturalmachinegrade_1.jpg) |
| ABS welding rod is sold by the pound, shipped in 4' straight lengths.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![ABS Welding Rod | Natural](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/absweldingrodnatural_1.jpg) |
| ABS plastic is an easily machined, low cost, rigid thermoplastic plastic with high impact strength.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![ABS Sheet | Natural Machine Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/abssheetnaturalmachinegrade_1.jpg) |
| ABS plastic is an easily machined, low cost, rigid thermoplastic plastic with high impact strength.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![ABS Sheet | White Extruded](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/white_abs_sheet_extruded_1.jpg) |
| ABS welding rod is sold by the pound, shipped in 4' straight lengths.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![ABS Welding Rod | White](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/absweldingrodwhite_1.jpg) |
| Acetal AF blend has excellent sliding/friction/wear properties.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Acetal Rod | 13% AF Blend](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalrod13afblend_1.jpg) |
| Acetal AF has excellent friction, wear specs. Acetal structure similar to Delrin grades Delrin AF.
![](/images/3stars.jpg) | ![Acetal Sheet | 13% AF Blend](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalsheet13afblend_1.jpg) |
| Acetal is a tough, stable engineering thermoplastic.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Acetal Rod | Black](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalrodblack_1.webp) |
| Black acetal & acetal material. Acetal plastic properties make it a tough engineering thermoplastic.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Acetal Material | Black Extruded Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalmaterialblackextrudedsheet_1.jpg) |
| Acetal tubular bars have low moisture absorption and high strength, stiffness, and stability. | ![Black Acetal Tubular Bar](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blackacetaltube.jpg) |
| Acetal homopolymer (Delrin) has more mechanical strength and stiffness than acetal copolymer. | ![Delrin<sup>®</sup> Rod | Black Acetal Homopolymer](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/delrinsupregsuprodblackacetalhomopolymer_1.jpg) |
| Orange acetal & acetal material. Acetal plastic properties make it a tough engineering thermoplastic | ![Orange Extruded Acetron GP Plate](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/orangeacetron.jpg) |
| Acetal rod is a tough, stable engineering thermoplastic. Also consider delrin plastic tube.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Acetal Rod | Natural](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalrodnatural_1.webp) |
| Acetal copolymer. Good wear properties low friction acetal plastic sheet.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Acetal Plastic Sheet | Acetal Copolymer | Natural Color](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalplasticsheetacetalcopolymernaturalcolor_1.jpg) |
| Acetal homopolymer (Delrin) has more mechanical strength and stiffness than acetal copolymer. | ![Delrin<sup>®</sup> Rod | Natural Acetal Homopolymer](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/delrinrodnaturalacetalhomopolymer_1.jpg) |
| Delrin vs Acetal - Delrin sheets and Delrin plastic offer an excellent balance of properties.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Delrin<sup>®</sup> Sheet | Natural](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/delrinsupregsupsheetnatural_1.jpg) |
| 20% glass filled Delrin 570 has low warpage and high stiffness. Intended for general industrial use. | ![Natural Delrin<sup>®</sup> 570 Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/naturaldelrin570.jpg) |
| ESD Acetal contains no carbon fibers or powders and is for clean room use.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![ESD Acetal Sheet | Natural ESD Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/esdacetalsheetnaturalesdgrade_1.webp) |
| 20% glass filled Delrin 570 has low warpage and high stiffness. Intended for general industrial use. | ![Natural Acetal Rod GF 20%](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalrodnaturalgf20.jpg) |
| Acetal copolymer tubes have low moisture absorption and high strength, stiffness, and stability. | ![Acetal Plastic Tube | Acetal Copolymer | Natural Color](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/acetalplastictubeacetalcopolymernaturalcolor_1.jpg) |
| Red acetal & acetal material. Acetal plastic properties make it a tough engineering thermoplastic. | ![Red Extruded Acetal Plate](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/redacetal.jpg) |
| Includes a 6x6" sample of Acetal, Nylon, UHMW, a 4x4" sample of Tivar HPV and a 3x3" sample of PT.
![](/images/1stars.jpg) | ![Friction Resistance Material Sample Pack](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/frictionresistancematerialsamplepack_1.jpg) |
| 6x6" sample of ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, HDPE, PVC, UHMW, and 3x3" sample of PTFE.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Machinable Plastics Material Sample Pack](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/machinableplasticsmaterialsamplepack_1.jpg) |
| Includes a 6x6" sample of Acetal, Nylon, and ABS Machine Grade.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Tensile Strength Material Sample Pack](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/tensilestrengthmaterialsamplepack_1.jpg) |
| 6x6" sample of ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, Nylon, PVC, UHMW, and a 3x3" sample of PTFE.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Thermoplastics Material Sample Pack](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/thermoplasticsmaterialsamplepack_1.jpg) |
| Nylatron GSM PA6 (nylon blue) should be considered for any oil-filled Nylon application.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Blue MD Tube | Oil Filled Nylon](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonbluemdoilnylontube_1.jpg) |
| Extruded nylon rods have a fantastic combination of stability, toughness, and wear resistance. | ![Nylon Extruded Rod | Black Nylon 6/6 Round Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonextrudedrodblacknylon66roundrod_1.jpg) |
| Glass filled nylon sheet: a good combination of toughness, dimensional stability, & wear resistance. | ![Black Nylon 30% Glass Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/blacknylonglass30.jpg) |
| Nyloil rod offers great toughness, dimensional stability, wear resistance, and versatility.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nyloil<sup>®</sup> Cast Green | Nylon Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodnyloilcastgreen_1.jpg) |
| An internally lubricated cast nylon 6 sheet with high strength and reduced friction properties. | ![Nyloil<sup>®</sup> Nylon Sheet | Cast Nylon Self-Lubricating Plastic Sheet](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nyloilsupregsupnylonsheetcastnylonselflubricatingplasticsheet_1.jpg) |
| Nylatron GSM PA6 should be considered for oil-filled Nylon applications.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon GSM Cast Sheet | Blue](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylongsmcastsheetblue_1.jpg) |
| Solid nylon rod has a good combination of toughness, wear resistance, and versatility.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon MD Rod | Cast MD Grade Solid Nylon Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodcastmd_1.jpg) |
| Nylon 66 rod in MD grade is tough, dimensionally stable, wear resistant, and versatile.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Rod | Extruded Round MD Nylon 66 Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodextrudedroundmdnylon66rod_1.webp) |
| Nylatron GS PA66 cast nylon sheet with improved strength & rigidity & low linear thermal expansion.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Sheet | GS Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylongssheet_1.jpg) |
| Nylon plastic rod has a great combination of toughness, wear resistance, and versatility.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Plastic Rod | Natural Cast](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodnaturalcast_1.jpg) |
| Food grade nylon is self lubricating. Nylon food grade nylon rod is approved for food contact.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Food Grade Nylon Rod | Natural Nyloil FG Nylon](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodnaturalnyloilfgfoodgrade_1.jpg) |
| Extruded nylon tubes & rods have a great combination of toughness, stability, and wear resistance.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Rod | Natural Extruded](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrodnaturalextruded_1.webp) |
| Glass filled nylon rod: a good combination of toughness, dimensional stability, & wear resistance.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![Nylon Rod | 30% Glass Filled Nylon](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylonrod30glassfillednylon_1.jpg) |
| Nylatron 703XL PA6 provides an extraordinary amount of control for high precision applications. | ![Nylatron Plastic 703XL PA6 | Nylon 6](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/nylatronplastic703xlpa6nylon6_1.jpg) |
| Red self-lubricating cast nylon rod with good wear resistance and light weight. | ![Red Nylube Cast Rod](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/rednyluberod.jpg) |
| C Grade Black Canvas Phenolic Sheet | ![Phenolic Sheet | Black Canvas](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/phenolicsheetblackcanvas_1.jpg) |
| Of the phenolic sheet grades, CE grade phenolic sheet is considered 'electrical' grade. | ![CE Phenolic | Phenolic Sheet | Black Canvas Phenolic](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/cephenolicphenolicsheetblackcanvasphenolic_1.jpg) |
| Of the phenolic sheet grades, CE grade phenolic rod is considered 'electrical' grade. | ![CE Phenolic | Phenolic Rod | Canvas Phenolic](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/cephenolicphenolicrodcanvasphenolic_1.jpg) |
| LE phenolic rods have excellent electrical properties that regular linen phenolic rods do not. | ![LE Phenolic | Phenolic Rod | Linen Phenolic](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/lephenolicphenolicrodlinenphenolic_1.jpg) |
| Molded four bolt flange bearings with an oil-filled UHMW insert, FDA/USA approved.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![FOUR BOLT FLANGE - FDA - USDA | W/OIL-FILLED UHMW INSERT](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/fourboltflangefdausdawoilfilleduhmwinsert1inbore_1.jpg) |
| 30% carbon filled PPS is reinforced with carbon fiber to increase its stiffness and strength. | ![PPS XP-85 Tube | 30% Carbon Filled](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/ppsblacktube.jpg) |
| PPS & Techtron® PPS operate at high temperatures with low outgassing.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![PPS Rod | Natural](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/natural_pps_rod_rods_1.jpg) |
| PPS and Techtron® PPS operate at high temperatures with low outgassing.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![PPS Sheet | Natural](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/naturalppsplate_1.jpg) |
| Techtron HPV PPS has outstanding chemical resistance, great wear resistance, and is flame retardant. | ![Techtron<sup>®</sup> HPV PPS | Bearing Grade PPS](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/techtronsupregsuphpvppsbearinggradepps_1.jpg) |
| Extruded PTFE tubes withstand high heat temperatures, corrosion, and harsh chemicals. | ![PTFE Tube | Semi-Rigid PTFE Fluoropolymer Tubing](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/ptfetubesemirigidptfefluoropolymertubing_1.webp) |
| PTFE sheeting and Teflon PTFE sheet are used in extremely low friction applications.
![](/images/4stars.jpg) | ![PTFE | Virgin Extruded Natural PTFE Sheeting](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/ptfesheetnaturalvirgin_1.jpg) |
| PTFE sheet and PTFE Teflon sheet are low friction. PTFE sheets resist heat, chemicals, & corrosion.
![](/images/5stars.jpg) | ![PTFE Sheet | Natural Virgin Grade](/imgproducts/newimg/thumbs/ptfesheetnaturalvirgingrade_1.jpg) |