Products Displayed: 25

NEMA GPO-3 Glass Polyester Laminate | Red
NEMA GPO-3 Glass Polyester Laminate - Red.NEMA GPO-3 Glass Polyester Laminate | Red

HDPE Shim Stock | Black
Black High-Density Polyethylene Shim Stock is durable and is used in industrial applications.HDPE Shim Stock | Black

HDPE Shim Stock | Natural
High Density Polyethylene Shim Stock is durable and used in many industrial applications.HDPE Shim Stock | Natural

Bundles of HIX Shrinkable Polyolefin Shrink Wrap Tubing in 4ft. lengths.

Ultem® Rod | Natural
Ultem 1000 offers high strength and excellent resistance to flame and heat.
Ultem<sup>®</sup> Rod | Natural

Ultem® Sheet | Natural
Ultem offers high strength and excellent resistance to flame and heat.
Ultem<sup>®</sup> Sheet | Natural

Natural Ultem 1000 Rod
Ultem offers high strength and excellent resistance to flame and heat.Natural Ultem 1000 Rod

CE Phenolic | Phenolic Sheet | Black Canvas Phenolic
Of the phenolic sheet grades, CE grade phenolic sheet is considered 'electrical' grade.CE Phenolic | Phenolic Sheet | Black Canvas Phenolic

Paper Phenolic Sheet | Grade XX Paper
XX grade paper phenolic is used in mechanical and electrical applications.Paper Phenolic Sheet | Grade XX Paper

G11 Phenolic Sheet | Glass Epoxy High Temperature Plastic
Similar composition to G-10. G-11 phenolic is used at higher temperatures that G-10 cannot handle.G11 Phenolic Sheet | Glass Epoxy High Temperature Plastic

G-7 Sheet | G7 Glass-Silicone Laminate
G-7 grade phenolic sheet is unparalleled for arc resistant or high heat applications.G-7 Sheet | G7 Glass-Silicone Laminate

G-9 Sheet | G9 Glass-Melamine Laminate
G-9 phenolic sheet has good mechanical properties & high resistance to flames & alkali solutions.G-9 Sheet | G9 Glass-Melamine Laminate

G10 FR4 | Phenolic Rod | FR4 G10 Rod
G10 FR4 rods suitable for structural, high humidity, and electrical insulation applications.G10 FR4 | Phenolic Rod | FR4 G10 Rod

G-10/FR4 Glass Epoxy Sheet
G-10 is suitable for a variety of structural, high humidity, and electrical insulation applications.
G-10/FR4 Glass Epoxy Sheet

CE Phenolic | Phenolic Rod | Canvas Phenolic
Of the phenolic sheet grades, CE grade phenolic rod is considered 'electrical' grade.CE Phenolic | Phenolic Rod | Canvas Phenolic

Phenolic Sheet | Natural Canvas
"C" Grade Natural Canvas Phenolic Sheet
Phenolic Sheet | Natural Canvas

LE Phenolic | Phenolic Rod | Linen Phenolic
LE phenolic rods have excellent electrical properties that regular linen phenolic rods do not.LE Phenolic | Phenolic Rod | Linen Phenolic

Phenolic Sheet | Natural LE
Natural LE Phenolic Sheet.
Phenolic Sheet | Natural LE

Phenolic Economy Sheet | Natural Paper
Natural Paper Phenolic Sheet - Economy
Phenolic Economy Sheet | Natural Paper

Noryl® Sheet | Black EN 265
Noryl is strong with outstanding strength, stiffness, mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties
Noryl<sup>®</sup> Sheet | Black EN 265

PTFE Tube | Semi-Rigid PTFE Fluoropolymer Tubing
Extruded PTFE tubes withstand high heat temperatures, corrosion, and harsh chemicals.PTFE Tube | Semi-Rigid PTFE Fluoropolymer Tubing

PTFE Rod | Virgin Polytetrafluoroethylene
PTFE rod (polytetrafluoroethylene) for low friction applications. Compare to Teflon sheet and rod.
PTFE Rod | Virgin Polytetrafluoroethylene

PTFE | Virgin Extruded Natural PTFE Sheeting
PTFE sheeting and Teflon PTFE sheet are used in extremely low friction applications.
PTFE | Virgin Extruded Natural PTFE Sheeting

PTFE Sheet | Natural Virgin Grade
PTFE sheet and PTFE Teflon sheet are low friction. PTFE sheets resist heat, chemicals, & corrosion.
PTFE Sheet | Natural Virgin Grade

UHMW Tube | Natural
UHMW is a relatively low cost abrasion, impact, and chemically resistant material.
UHMW Tube | Natural

Interstate Plastics Suppliers