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Multiwall Polycarbonate Provides Dependable Protection for Deck Roofs
Many homes, businesses, and recreational facilities install deck roofs to protect deck flooring from UV radiation and harsh weather conditions, such as sun, snow, rain, and hail. The roofs act as a barrier to help keep the deck flooring in good condition and protect it from premature deterioration, which can lead to splintering and cracking. Deck roofs can also provide shade, making the deck more comfortable and inviting.
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Blake, a content creator on Youtube who has gained a large following from his unique home renovation and DIY building projects, built a deck roof using polycarbonate multiwall in preparation for winter.
Blake specifically built a deck roof because he needed strong permanent outdoor protection for his entire deck whereas an awning or patio cover may have only offered partial coverage. His design needed to withstand severe weather but be modest enough to get approved by his local township. The best solution proved to be 6mm thick polycarbonate multiwall panels. Blake wanted the roof to provide sturdy protection for his deck while letting sunlight in, explaining "It will let a lot of the sunlight in, and it will filter out the UV at the same time."
Polycarbonate multiwall?s lightweight nature made it easy for Blake to lift the panels on top of the structure, significantly reducing the time needed to complete the deck roof.
The project took a couple of days and an occasional extra set of hands to complete, but Blake?s meticulous planning, and the multiwall?s favorable outdoor properties, helped create a low-maintenance deck roof sure to stand the test of time.
Call Interstate Advanced Materials today at (800) 742-3444 to talk with a material expert about the polycarbonate multiwall used in Blake?s deck roof or to get help with your next project.
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