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HDPE Is A Versatile Replacement for Wood, Metal Parts

Interstate Plastics offers a variety of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) grades that perform many of the same duties as traditional wood and metal parts, components, and building materials, but with far greater longevity and ease of machining, plastic welding, and sanitation. Interstate Plastics continues to add more colors, textures, and grades of HDPE, most recently introducing black HDPE rod.

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HDPE has become ubiquitous in households and commercial spaces because of its ability to be utilized in diverse applications, from marine cabinetry and wear strips to cutting boards and piping. A tough, lightweight, moisture resistant, and easily machinable thermoplastic, HDPE sees use as a wood and metal replacement in conditions where these traditional materials degrade over time.

HDPE rod exhibits high impact strength and durability. It has a fantastic resistance to moisture, stain, and odors and will not rot, splinter, or absorb harmful bacteria like wood or other similar materials. As an inherently low coefficient of friction material, HDPE may be used in wear applications and as wear strips. HDPE features excellent chemical resistance against many acids, alcohols, and bases, making it naturally resistant to most cleaning agents and allowing frequent cleaning without degrading its physical properties. Natural HDPE is FDA compliant.

HDPE may be cut, machined, thermoformed, and welded to fabricate custom parts and can serve as a lighter alternative to metal in some applications. It is used in consumer applications to make cutting boards, banners, tables, and chairs. HDPE uses include seats, cabinetry, countertops, floors, and walkways in marine and outdoor applications. Its chemical resistance allows HDPE to serve as part of piping, storage, and containment systems.

Interstate Plastics offers HDPE rod in natural and black colors. Specialty grades of HDPE sheet for signage, piping, radiation, and marine use are also available. To learn more about HDPE and how HDPE replaces wood, metal, or similar materials for your application, call a plastics representative at (916)- 679-5146.

Interstate Plastics is a full-line distributor of plastic sheet, rod, tube, bar, film, profile, and plastic accessories, tools, and care products. With 10 locations nationwide and an online sales and support team, Interstate Plastics provides full sheets and pallets, simple cut-to-size service, and complex CNC manufacturing. Interstate Plastics is known for its reputation of selling high-quality products, providing excellent customer service, and superior technical support. Our products and services are available using the safe, secure, and convenient purchasing system on the Interstate Plastics website. For instant help, we're always a phone call away at (916) 679-5146.



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